Interview With Robert From Chugger, The Sweedish Groove Metal Band On Their Music Plans For 2020.

Where are some of the broad locations you are planning to go for your tours?

Robert: We have traditionally toured in central Europe and the Nordic countries, but hope to also expand east on this album cycle. There's a ton of great festivals and metalheads that we haven't had the opportunity to visit previously. The issue is usually distance, where you have to more or less pick a direction and visit the places you pass in a loop, otherwise, road fatigue and of course gas/toll costs will be a heavy factor to deal with and quickly spiral out of control. It's likely that we'll do several legs of touring instead of a single huge one.

Do you have any new influences compared to when you first started?

Robert: Absolutely, and unavoidably so.
We've had a few member swaps during the years since 'Human Plague' was released, and the band today is comprised of five extremely talented musicians that all have been writing music and leading bands in the past. We also have our own taste of music we listen to that brings a lot of different flavors to the table. We've really made an effort in making sure every voice and instrument is heard on this album, including letting everyone do what they do best instead of having a single writer micromanaging every aspect of every song. The result is a far more dynamic and interesting album than a single writer could possibly create. Absolutely stoked about this album - and more details will be revealed shortly!

So you are saying that this new release will be similar to releases from the past, will this accentuate certain aspects of these songs or just be overall similar?

Robert: We never aim to do the same album twice, but when it comes to 'Grinder' and 'Through Suffering Reborn' they can be considered a showcase or trailer on what the upcoming album will be like; groovier, more melodic and heavier. These songs can be seen as unofficial singles for the album, but they won't likely be part of the tracklist for the new album. They might be included in the Japan release though, we'll see!

How do you feel now that you are in 2020, how would you explain your growth from where you first started out?

Robert: When we started most of the members already had experience from earlier bands that had toured and released albums, but things really sprung into overdrive when those forces were put into Chugger. We've done a lot of shows and evolved a lot since, both as musicians but also as businessmen. In the earlier days, you'd be winging it and happily travel to perform based on the promise of a show and a case of beer. These days the stakes are higher so we need contracts and logistics taken care of first, as well as our stage show getting larger which ultimately requires, and allow, us to do bigger and bigger stages. Fortunately for us, we're always setting the bar pretty high for ourselves and nobody's a bigger critic than we are. This allows us to deliver the same crushing performance night after night, regardless if there are a hundred or thousands of people in the crowd.

For records that you can look back on, state how many followers you had on different platforms and how many streams you got in 2019 on your music platform of choice.

Robert: This is indeed one of the factors we aim to change since our current numbers are a bit on the low side. It can be a good thing - and a bad thing - as when people see us live they are absolutely blown away. I figure much of the 'gap' is caused by the earlier productions not really holding up sonically/production-wise to the more modern, playlist friendly, material. Our coming album changes all that completely and we finally sound like the beast we are live.

How do you think your schedule will be in 2020 compared to 2019? Major changes or will it stay basically the same?

Robert: Everything will be larger, bolder and quite frankly, better this year. 2019 was mostly spent writing and producing our coming album, and part of that process involved us insisting on letting it take the time needed. Like I wrote earlier, all members have been part in the writing process so things had to be tested, worked out and, naturally, agreed upon before ending up in the songs. Compared to a single writer approach this, of course, takes a little longer, but it has proven to be the sweet spot for us. We're pretty listeners will notice the extra effort as well.

If you could set a goal that you would achieve by the end of the year, what would it be and why would it be that? And what will you be doing to work towards that goal?

Robert: Growth. We need to push those numbers through the roof, and we aim to do so. The album we got in our hands undoubtedly has great songs, so it's just a matter of making sure everyone and their dog has either heard the album or own a copy. We're pressing hard on this album and we're proud to say it's our best album yet, so not working extra hard in 2020 would be a wasted opportunity!

Do you have anything to say to your fans?

Robert: You are awesome!
All bands say they have the best fans, but they're all wrong - we have the best fans!
Keep an eye out for Chugger's next album and stay metal! \m/

Through Suffering Reborn:


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