Snazzy Snounds- "Brothel" by Autumn Lies Buried, an awesome blend of Heavy Metal and Rap.

"Snazzy Sounds", I really like the name of it, so that's what is going to stick for all of the original music that I think is, wait for it. 'Snazzy'. 

Anyways, I found ALB from that feature post I did a while ago where I said post your links, and I will feature a few of you guys. Anyways, this is one of them. And I like them, this is why they made it this far. They actually sent in their music during one of the Live Videos I was doing on Facebook when I was trying to go through all fo the 200-something submissions people made. 

This song was amazing, it's a great blend of the Heavy, and the bits of Rap come into spike the energy of the song up, but really takes the cake are the intense screams that come from nowhere. It really is enjoyable to listen too, and the happy people of the Livestream who were exposed to it are there to vouch for it. This is a good song and you should know this band. 

If you guys want to see more of ALB, leave a comment below, and I promise you there will be more content coming from this great band. But until then, be sure to check out their Youtube Channel from the YT embedded video, and check out their Facebook page HERE. (Or, @albband)


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